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Transmission and Distribution

The CWLP electric system's transmission network consists of lines and associated substations operating at voltages of 138 kilovolt (kV) and 69 kV. The 138 kV portion of the transmission network currently includes approximately 63 circuit miles of overhead lines forming a complete loop around the system's service area. The 138 kV transmission lines presently serve nine of the system's substations or switching stations, plus the village of Chatham, Illinois.

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A portion of the 69 kV transmission network was originally installed in 1956, and now consists of approximately 66 circuit miles of overhead lines serving 23 distribution substations. There are six 80,000 kilovolt-ampere (kVA) transformers connecting the 138 kV system to the 69 kV system.

The system's distribution network consists of approximately 507 circuit miles of overhead 12.47 kV and approximately 442 circuit miles of underground 12.47 kV facilities.

The purpose of the 138 kV network is to provide:

  • generator outlet capacity for CWLP's Dallman Units 3 and 4 and the Interstate combustion turbine
  • bulk power supply to the lower voltage portion of the transmission network
  • a direct supply to some distribution substation transformers
  • interconnections with other utilities.