CWLP is registered as a distribution provider, generation operator, generation owner, load serving entity, resource planner, transmission operator, transmission owner, and transmission planner
within the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). The NERC website is CWLP operates as a local balancing authority (LBA) within the Midcontinent Independent System
Operator (MISO), a regional transmission organization that is registered as a balancing authority. CWLP and the other LBAs within MISO have a balancing authority agreement with MISO.
This agreement designates some balancing authority functions to MISO and other balancing authority functions to the LBAs.
Direct interconnections with other electric utilities enable CWLP to better ensure the instantaneous backup of its system in the event it has an outage of a generating unit.
These interconnections are made possible by a far-reaching network of high-voltage transmission lines known as "the grid." The grid is overseen by NERC, as well as regional entities such as SERC.
CWLP became a full member of SERC Reliability Corporation (SERC) in January 2007, one of the eight regional reliability councils that make up NERC. Membership in SERC ( provides the utility
with the opportunity to participate in and benefit from the regional studies performed by SERC and its members. SERC is a nonprofit corporation responsible for promoting and
improving the reliability, adequacy, and critical infrastructure of the bulk power supply systems in all or portions of 16 central and southeastern states. Owners, operators and
users of the bulk power system in these states cover an area of approximately 560,000 square miles and comprise what is known as the SERC Region. SERC is dedicated to maintaining
reliability of the grid by administering reliability standards, monitoring compliance, and studying and assessing the reliability of the generation and transmission system.
CWLP is directly interconnected with the Ameren transmission system at six locations. The Ameren Lanesville 345/138 kV substation, which was completed in December 2004, interconnects
the Commonwealth Edison/PJM 345 kV transmission system to the CWLP 138 kV transmission system. The most recent interconnections with Ameren were completed
in June 2009 and include the Interstate – San Jose 138 kV and the Interstate – East Springfield 138 kV.
In March 2001, CWLP joined MISO as a transmission owner. In December 2001, MISO was recognized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) as the first Regional Transmission
Organization (RTO). MISO is a nonprofit independent system operator that serves the electrical transmission needs of 15 states and the Canadian province of Manitoba. It is
committed to reliability, the nondiscriminatory operation of the bulk power transmission system, and working with all stakeholders to create cost-effective and innovative solutions
for our changing industry. The organization is governed by an independent board of directors and is headquartered in Carmel, IN, with operations centers in Carmel and Eagan, MN.
Membership in MISO is voluntary. In April 2005, MISO began operating a day-ahead and real-time energy market based on locational marginal pricing (LMP). MISO then began the Ancillary
Services Market in January 2009 and completed the South Region Integration in December 2013. More information about the MISO energy market can be found on the MISO website. This website
includes a map showing the real-time energy prices throughout the MISO service territory.